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版本Conflux v2.3.0
Incompatible Changes是(CIP-107, CIP-112, CIP-113, CIP-118, CIP-119)


Conflux v2.3.0 introduces a new hardfork, which update includes incompatible changes and several RPC improvements.

Incompatible Changes


CIP-107 是硬分叉的主要变更,引入了“存储点”概念,即存储抵押的燃烧机制。 当赞助商为合约添加存储抵押时,一部分 CFX 代币将被燃烧,相应数量的“存储点”将被铸造。 "存储点"不能进行转移,不产生存储利息,但可以像 CFX 代币一样支付存储抵押。 这是为了引入一些燃烧场景和机制,以减缓 CFX 代币的持续通货膨胀,从而改善 Conflux 的代币经济学。

  • RPC 变更:
    • Add a new RPC cfx_getCollateralInfo to return chain collateral info.
    • cfx_getSponsorInfo returns 2 extra fields: usedStoragePoints and availableStoragePoints.
  • Internal contract SponsorWhitelistControl changes
    • new interfaces: getAvailbaleStoragePoints(introduced by CIP-118)
    • Collateral sponsor replacement threshold is changed
      • previous: tx.value > sponsor_balance_for_collateral + collateral_for_storage
      • current: tx.value > sponsor_balance_for_collateral + (collateral_for_storage - used_storage_points / 1024)
    • Burn for collateral sponsored before CIP-107:
      • p(defined by CIP-107, started at 0.5) proportion of sponsor_balance_for_collateral + collateral_for_storage will be burnt and converted to storage points. The conversion will be carried out lazily.
  • DAO vote changes
    • new vote option to change STORAGE_POINT_PORP that defines burn ratio p (STORAGE_POINT_PORP / (STORAGE_POINT_PORP + 1))

Refer the original CIP-107 document for more details.


CIP-112 fixes the incorrect encoding and decoding implementation of the custom field of block headers. Currently, in the block header RLP encoding, each element in the custom list is appended to the RLP list as raw bytes, where its RLP-encoded data should be appended instead. This change is protocol breaking as it changes the block header encoding and decoding in P2P transmission.


CIP-113 makes the PoS finalization faster by shortening the PoS consensus round time and the pivot decision signing wait time. The PoS round time is reduced from 60 seconds to 30 seconds. The defer time for validators to wait to sign a PoS-confirmed pivot block is reduced from 50 epochs to 20 epochs.


It is estimated that this CIP will shorten the finalization interval from the previous 6-8 minutes to 4-5 minutes, a reduction of 120 to 180 seconds. This optimization will benefit products that utilize the PoS finalization.


CIP-118 introduced getAvailableStoragePoints interface for SponsorWhitelistControl. Refer CIP-107 for more information.


CIP-119 introduce the PUSH0 (0x5f) instruction as EIP-3855. Supporting this opcode can achieve maximum compatibility with Ethereum.



ReleaseConflux v2.3.0-testnet Pre-release
AnouncementConflux v2.3.0-testnet Testnet Hardfork Upgrade Announcement
  • Node Upgrade: Before epoch number reaches 129100000 (estimated on Jul 04)
  • CIPs Activation: When block number reaches 167000000 (estimated on Jul 04)
  • CIP-113 Activation: When PoS block number reaches 741900 (estimated on Jul 04)
ReleaseConflux v2.3.0-3-testnet Pre-release
  • Node Upgrade: before the epoch number reaches 132220000 or the block number reaches 171570000 (estimated on Jul 31)


ReleaseConflux v2.3.0
AnouncementConflux v2.3.0 Hardfork Upgrade Announcement
  • Node Upgrade: before the epoch number reaches 79050000 (estimated on Sep 07 2023)
  • Most CIPs Activation: enabled when the block number reaches 188900000 (estimated on Sep 09 2023)
  • CIP-113 Activation: when the PoS block number reaches 766200 (estimated on Sep 09)