



Below, we demonstrates how short-circuiting can be applied to minimize gas usage:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.13;

contract LogicOptimization {
// High gas consumption function
function heavy() public pure returns (bool ok) {
uint num;
for (uint256 i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
num = i + 1;
ok = true;

// Low gas consumption function
function light() public pure returns (bool ok) {
ok = true;

// No short-circuiting: higher gas usage
function basic() external pure {
heavy() || light(); // Evaluates both heavy() and light()

// With short-circuiting: reduced gas usage
function efficient() external pure {
light() || heavy(); // light() evaluated first, heavy() skipped if light() is true

关于 gas 优化的建议:

🌟 Utilize short-circuiting to prevent unnecessary function calls or computations.

🌟 Place functions or conditions likely to succeed (or that are less gas-consuming) before others in logical operations.

🌟 Understand the gas cost of operations and structure your code to minimize these costs whenever possible.